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Dinner party chatter (channeling)

Posted November 16, 2008 07:45am

Its Saturday night and after a pleasant day of pottering around and an "emergency" dash to the shops with my 18 year old daughter because she "has nothing to wear" for her party tonight, i start to ready my self for a dinner party at a friend's house.

Though I am reasonably introverted, (group gatherings for an intuitive can be a lot of work, as you pick up so much unwanted sensory data from the people around you), I look forward to the evening because we have not caught up with some of those invited for a number of months. Also our hostess is a gracious and polished hostess who has a knack of getting the right mix of people together.

As I had anticipated she has prepared a veritable feast and all we have had to bring is the chocolates and some wine from my husband's collection. As the evening progresses the conversation moves across from one topic to the next, ranging from the weather, to politics, to the way womens spending will keep the economy afloat (a tongue in cheek theory put forward by one of the men,etc etc...

At one stage one of the other guests, a school teacher begins to speak about dislexics and some of the problems they encounter socially as well as at school. Because a proportion of dislexics are really just Indigo kids or Starchild 1 or 4, I mention some of what I know about some of the causes and remedies I have come across. However since I generally like to keep my work and social life reasonably seperate, I keep my comments quite general and don't mention the Starchildren essences as an appropriate support for some.

As the evenning progresses I begin to hear a low frequency hum in my right ear and my jaw begins to feel warm the way it does during sessions with clients or whilst running workshops. I assume its my channel downloading information somewhere into my brain to be accessible to me when needed. The talk moves onto kids on the internet, local youth crime before it jumps onto how hard it is to get a "good web designer these days". So I mention how happy I am with my web developing company and give out their name.

Then out of the blue this same school teacher asks me how and where I manufacture the essences we feature on the web. I barely rgister the question at a logical level before I find myself in the all too familliar "channeling space" her question has triggered for me. Everyone's aura becomes brighter as my normal thought process dissapears and an answer tumbles out of my mouth which I feel far removed from and unable to monitor. She is asked how much quantum physics she is familiar with, and has she come across the work on the "Holographic web of Energy" which science now recognises as connecting everything within the universe. For a reason I cannot understand the bubbly, frivoulous conversation around the dinner table has abrubtly stopped as if on que and everyone listens in to the answer, though my voice and hers have not been raised. My channel tells her that the essences are like having a connecting doorway in a bottle to the appropriate part of the "Web of Light/Creation" a person needs to access. It is explained to her that that this web of energy can be manipulated by our thought and feelings and that those who have a well focused mind, certain energies in their own energy field and/or a "pure heart" have always being able to do just that fom earliest times...... The explanation finishes with a comment about how nice it is now that the science now backs up what some intuitives have always been privy to, as to the nature of our universe.

I notice that she looks a little dazed ( maybe even puzzled) but nods her head in acknowledgement and the chatter around the table continues. It takes a few minutes for my physiology to return to normal and my normal thoughts to begin moving back through my own brain, replacing the blank space which occurs when I have been slightly moved aside out of my own body by the energy being who wishes to channel through me.

As we get in the car I ask my husband whether I my "Jekyll and Hyde" momment was too noticeable. He just smiles and says its funny how smooth the transition is apart from the subtle extra harmonic/hum in your voice at those times. I often wonder what makes people stop and listen to what you are saying, the way they do at those times.

As I prepare for bed I am told that the energetic information offered so spontaneously through me would prove useful to the others in ways that I need not know about.


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