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What to do when women shout & men storm off

Posted May 22, 2015 03:08pm

In a week where Heliocentric Saturn was highlighted by helio Moon & squared Jupiter... i noticed that as people's restriction created an intense existancialist anger born out of frustration with the limitations of physical life. I noticed more women shouting & men storming around. Both genders stalled & attempted to force & or control events.

As a practitioner;

I noticed my use of the Elixir "Set" from the Akhbaka range shoot right up to help individuals deal with physical did "Pele" from the Goddess range to help people cope with anger. A lot of women got a dose of Rhinannon so the could communicate anger & requirements effectively & men got "Sphinx" essence for patience. Another very useful essence was perhaps "Eagle Woman" for some to facilitate surrender to spirit & cycles as was "Trident" from the Elementals Elixirs.  Last but not least I gave a lot of men "Brounger" (from Akhbaka) so they could let the storm or impasse pass over them without feeling they needed to do too much or in fact anything at all apart from waiting or ducking & weaving.


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